Compressor Pump: Quality cast iron two stage compressor with venting system for reduced crankcase temperature and pressure, Splash lubricated cast iron crankcase to
extend the hours of performance, Cast iron head and cylinder for extended durability, Large canister intake filter, Stainless-steel braided discharge hose
Engine: Industrial Honda OHV engine (electric start optional), Engine oil drain, Pneumatic idle control to conserve fuel
Frame: Powder coated ASME coded 20-gallon receiver tank, 3/16-inch base plate to reduce vibration, 14-gauge powder coated two-piece belt guard with 1/4-turn release
for quick access to belts
Components: Regulator and two gauges for tank and outlet pressure, 16.5-inch fly wheel for extra cooling and longer life, Manual drain valves for proper
maintenance, Belt tightening system pulls engine straight to ensure constant belt alignment, Quality pilot valve unloader